2023 At the Movies
A Washington Post article previewing the fall movies of 2023 highlighted the especially “surreal" or “weird" trend of movies that came...

Five Years Later: 2018 Movies
Every year, I take on the exercise to take a look back at the movies from five years prior to see what held up, what movies have grown on...

2022 At the Movies
This really was a solid year for movies. I’m sure Nope and The Way of Water will end up near the very top of my favorites for the decade...

Five Years Later: 2017 Movies
It's another year of my annual project of looking back five years to see how well the movies have held up and to hunt down those that...

2021 At The Movies At Home
Every year it takes me until about halfway through the following year to make it through the new movies that I am interested in hunting...

"Ten" Years Later: 2011 Movies
Perhaps the first year in the exercise of retrospectives ten years later where my top movie list is mostly made up of movies viewed for...

"Five" Years Later: 2016 Movies
Although I'm a bit tardy to put this out, this was mostly reviewed last year. Once again I am back with the Hindsight Awards, my annual...

2020 Movies in Review
For a year that was so disrupted by the pandemic, the move to streaming and pushed release dates, overall, it wasn't that bad of a year...

Five Years Later: 2015 Movies
It's another installment of the Hindsight Awards, Five Years Later. The 2015 year in movies was already one that I had very much enjoyed...

Ten Years Later: 2010 Movies
It's another installment of the Hindsight Awards, Ten Years Later. The 2010 year in movies was one where I already had a few favorites...