More to 1919: The Amazing Story of Ray Caldwell
Midway through this season, I saw a tweet about something that happened "on this date in baseball" from 1919 that I had completely missed...

2001: An Attack on America
This installment is more than just the 2001 season, it also covers a couple of other games in other seasons of the twenty-first century...

1995: Win Above Replacements
The game was going to come back in some form. We were saved from a sham of a season at the last moment and were treated with a new era of...

1994: A Year Without Playoffs
It was a year as I was just starting to get excited by baseball and then it went away without a World Series. It was the heyday of cheap...

1981: A Split Season
It seems that every year that has some kind of disruption to the schedule, also seems to be a marker in some way of baseball's slow...

1972: First Strike
There wouldn't be an interruption in a Major League season for over fifty years. Despite several players going off to World War II and...

1968: Death of a Legend, Year of the Pitcher
This was not a season that was shortened although opening day was postponed and it was the first time every team played their first game...

1919: The Veterans Come Home
The 1919 season is not remembered for the winners. The Chicago White Sox were considered the best team in the league and they nearly won...

1918: The MLB Goes to War
The league was already in spring training this year when quarantining started across the country in March. It became apparent that the...